MNCs as harbingers of Neo-Colonialism and the exploitation of the Third World

Akin to the colonial era, even in the twenty-first century, the world is perceived from the standpoint of a handful of neo-imperialist hegemons who lay down dictates of conscience, designate the terrorist and the revolutionary, and predestine the Third World. Primarily, trade prospects stirred the Age of Exploration, and although diverse nations established relations with the European powers, the relations eventually came to be colonial subjugation far from bilateral. Political consciousness blended with utilitarian nationalist ideologues uprooted the colonialists post-war, limitless ambitions of whom fostered ingenuity, giving rise to multifarious indirect techniques, one of them multinational enterprises, to preserve dominance over weak governments. This continued economic domination of sovereign nations by their past colonial masters may be termed neo-colonialism. Simply put, colonialism, which earlier was spread through tanks, now comes through banks. Multinational corporati...