United States' West Asian Insecurity Part Two: Libya and Gaddafi

Portrayed as a milestone in Libya’s freedom from tyranny, Gaddafi’s killing once again signified the United States’ best described as the “West Asian Insecurity” — another feather in the cap of neo-imperialists. Libyans had expected, despite the post-invasion Iraqi democratic model being unambiguous, the National Transitional Council to secure recognition from those other than contributors in NATO bombing, which although was achieved yet the former’s control and authority still end with a question mark. The political landscape of the country, a decade after the illegal attack, remains chaotic. Scenario analogous to Chinese warlordism prevails with armed militias contesting for control, no central authority to keep order and rampant human rights violations, most horrifically the slave markets. Libya’s return to normalcy is distancing from reality and the once flourishing nation has entered the list of failed states much owed to the neo-liberal assault. Five decades earlier, amidst ...